Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Check Event Tool

Use the Check Event tool to check if one or more events has taken place, and then use this information as a trigger for further campaign activity.

The tool is a good way to combine events, so a particular tactic may only be triggered if two events have occurred, for example a customer joining a loyalty scheme and then using their loyalty card to make a purchase. It also offers the ability to trigger an alternate action if an event has not taken place.


  1. Drag the tool to your Workspace, for example into a Trigger configuration.
  2. Click into the Events section and select one or more of the configured Events. Select the Limit check box if you wish to limit your event trigger to a defined time period, which can be anything from seconds to years.
  3. You can then select an action to take if the event has occurred, and another if the event has not occurred. In the example below, where a recipient did not open an email within the defined two day period, they will receive a reminder email.

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